Monday, September 8, 2008

Royal Historical Society of Victoria Seminar Day at Kyneton

A very interesting day was held at the Bowling Club in Kyneton on Saturday. The Royal Historical Society of Victoria held a seminar covering a wide range of topics, chiefly focussed on Mechanics Institutes.
Jim Lowden presented an inspiring and comprehensive overview of the history of Mechanics Instititutes, and in the afternoon, tour of the Kyneton Mechanics Institute was led by Laurene from the Kyneton Historical Society.
The Institute is a fascinating treasure-trove of artifacts and original fixtures and fittings, with many library books and other records held.

The Institute has a fine example of the 'biobox', a room added for the operation of a cineme projector.

Many fine examples of typical MI library books are housed in storage in the hall.

The Institute also features a fantastic example of balcony seating in the cinema/theatre